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Bix Caleen's Sponsorship Page
Bix Caleen

Bix was returned to us through no fault of her own, as their circumstances have changed and they could no longer care for her. She is back with the foster who pulled her fro Dallas Animal Services in late 2022. 

The adopter reported instances of aggression and resource guarding, but she has been on her best behavior since arriving back in Dallas.  We had her evaluated by a trainer, who reports that she is a dominant personality who needs consistent reinforcement of her place in the hierarchy.  The foster reports that she is smart and knows basic commands. She can be pushy, but takes correction well.  She is high energy, loves to play with the other dogs in the household and is very affectionate. She is leash trained, crate trained and housebroken, up to date on shots and heart worm negative. 

She will do well with an experienced owner and the rescue will include a session with the trainer to teach the new owner techniques for avoiding issues. 

Bix Caleen's Sponsorship Options

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