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When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.   There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.  There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.  All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor.

Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.   The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance.  His bright eyes are intent.  His eager body quivers.

Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.   You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again.

The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together.......

- Author unknown

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Hagen was with us just a couple years. She was nine plus years old when she came to us from NTBHR, had only one eye and a few health problems but just as the heart on her side indicated she was a lover. She desired nothing more that to sit next to you on the couch and let you enjoy petting her ultra soft fur. She tolerated many other foster bassets in and out of our home and occasionally taught them a thing or two about respecting their elders. Her amazing ability to comfort her humans after a long day. In addition, her on-the-dot breakfast and dinner alarms will be missed.    Mike and Liane Colleyville, TX

This is Penny and and our daughter that was taken in March. Penny was a true basset - affectionate and a people person to the end. We adopted "Peanut" (we renamed her Penny) at age 4 in from NTBHR in July 1997. Her owners had left her with a neighbor, where she spent a couple of months, and then was rescued by NTBHR. I just wanted to let you know what a terrific dog she was. When we adopted her, she fit right into our existing crew, consisting of a large mixed breed dog and our 4 year old daughter. Unfortunately, after a 14 month battle with cancer, we lost her. She was a great dog and we wanted to thank you for the opportunity to have her. She was always a great comfort to us and we miss her much.   Iwana R. and family

My family adopted an elderly basset hound named Humphries about three years ago. I had contacted the NTBHR through the website. They mentioned that they had a couple of older Bassets and Humphries was the oldest,10yrs. old. I was definitely interested even though I knew he had a few health problems. We took our Basset, Fred with us to meet him. They got along together just fine. Humphries became attached so quickly to Fred and the whole family. He was just a big Baby! Loved to cuddle and have his ears rubbed. He loved his big soft overstuffed pillow we got him to sleep on. His eyesight worsened as well as his hearing this past year. He also developed a gum disease that I understand he had a few times before we got him. His hind legs were a bit wobbly and in November seemed to get worse. Our Vet tried everything to help him without doing surgery. He was too old and weak to go through a surgery. The week of Christmas he was unable to walk at all and his gum infection came back and he was unable to eat. There was nothing else we could do for him. It was heart breaking. We all loved him so much but at the same time we knew he was suffering. He was in so much pain and so frustrated because he couldn't get around. We had a wonderful three years with him, he didn't have all of these problems until the end. Our family spoiled him rotten! I have enclosed a couple of pictures of him I hope you will enjoy seeing. Kathy C. and family

Hobbit Hill Hercules
Died of Addison's disease May 27, 2001 Beloved companion of Stacey and Shawn Stewart

My Scooter went to the Bridge on Friday, May 31, 2002. She had been my best friend & companion for over 10 years. A tremendous bed hog, she was a sucker for a pig's ear and a belly rub. She was a love bug - she knew my moods, and was always there for me with a "head rub" when I was down. Scooter had a seizure in late December, and had never been the same since. She lost a lot of weight, was generally disoriented, and was constantly walking in circles. She got progressively worse. However, that still didn't stop her from always offering a tail wag and an attempt to greet us when we came home. You were a great friend, Scoot-monk. I hope that I was able to show you half as much love as you showed me. I know you were suffering, and were trying to "hang in there" to make me happy. You are in a better place now, but I still miss you more than you'll ever know. You'll Always Be My Girl. Mary Kaspar Lewisville, TX

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